Water World
Water World Ocean Park Hong Kong

FEHD Investigation Results Indicate the Cause of A Group of Students and Teachers Feeling Unwell After Visiting Ocean Park was Unrelated to Food Products at the Park


FEHD Investigation Results Indicate the Cause of A Group of Students and Teachers Feeling Unwell After Visiting Ocean Park was Unrelated to Food Products at the Park

A group of 35 students and teachers from St. Peter’s Primary School felt unwell on the night after their visit to Ocean Park that was organised by the Central & Western District Council on 3 December 2014 and suspected that the incident was related to lunch boxes consumed at the Park. After being informed of the incident by the District Council and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), Ocean Park immediately conducted an investigation in coordination with FEHD and sent two lunch box samples from the day of the incident to the Park’s appointed independent external laboratory for bacteria testing. An inspection of the Park’s central kitchen where the concerned lunch boxes were prepared, warehouse and food kiosks was also conducted by representatives from FEHD and Centre for Food Safety on 5 December 2014. During the inspection, food samples, as well as environmental swabs of utensils and tools used in the preparation of the concerned lunch boxes were taken for testing.

Ocean Park received the investigation results on 9 December 2014, and according to the test results from the Park’s appointed independent external laboratory, food samples were up to standard. Results from the FEHD also showed that Park’s hygiene and food process procedures were satisfactory, thus indiciating that the cause of students, teachers and parents feeling unwell was unrelated to the lunch boxes consumed on the day.

As a world-class theme park, Ocean Park is committed to providing guests with quality experience, and will do its best to ensure food hygiene and safety for guests. The Park was certified with ISO22000:2005 for food and health safety in 2010, which indicates that the quality of the Park’s food and beverages reaches the highest accredited international standards, and the Park strictly abides to these regulations to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for its guests.