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African Mahogany

African Mahogany

Fun Facts

  • To anchor the tree and maximise water absorption, African mahogany has a strong taproot that grows quickly and penetrates deep into the soil. This enables the tree to withstand droughts and strong wind.

  • In West Africa, African mahogany is important for the culture and economy of the Fulani people. They harvest the foliage for feeding cattle. The milk obtained from the cows is either consumed or sold in local markets as a source of income.

Conservation & Importance

IUCN Red List: Vulnerable
IUCN Red List: Vulnerable

African mahogany provides nectar and pollen for honeybees. This tree species is overexploited for timber, medicine and fodder. Apart from heavy local consumption, it is also popular in international trade. The decline of this species would not only have an ecological impact, but also threaten the livelihood of local communities.

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