워터월드 홍콩 오션파크
환상적인 모험의 나라로 여행을 떠나요!

Hong Kong Jockey Club Sichuan Treasures

아쿠아 시티 I 워터프론트
운영시간: Park opening to closing
1월 13 월요일
1월 14 화요일
1월 15 수요일
1월 16 목요일
1월 17 금요일
1월 18 토요일
1월 19 일요일

Come visit the giant pandas An An and Ke Ke from Sichuan. An An is agile, smart, and active, while Ke Ke is good at climbing, gentle and lovely. They also have lively neighbors - The Sichuan Golden Snub-nosed monkey, Le Le and Qi Qi! With the distinctive blue face and bright orange fur, Le Le and Qi Qi tell a cautionary tale of habitat loss while educating us about the crucial conservation efforts that will help save them.

Exhibit opening hours: From 10:00am to 7:00pm
*Animals may remain in back-of-house facilities during the session. Guests can view the animals through the camera set at the back-of house facilities.

  • Guests are requested to follow the staff's instructions to enter the Hong Kong Jockey Club Sichuan Treasures to view the animals.
  • If there are a large number of people, appropriate crowd control measures will be implemented. We appreciate your understanding for any inconvenience caused.

근처에는 무엇이 있을까요?

이곳도 방문해 보세요

자이언트 판다 어드벤처

놀라운 아시아의 동물 I 워터프론트

상어의 신비

마린 월드 I 정상

열대우림 탐험대

열대우림 I 정상