워터월드 홍콩 오션파크

Special Circumstances & Weather Arrangement

Special Circumstances & Weather Arrangement (Toddlers, Mini-Rangers & Rover)

  1. All programmes will continue as scheduled during the hoisting of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 1 or amber rainstorm warning. Outdoor activities will be switched to indoor unless the situation allows for outdoor activities.
  2. Upon the hoisting of red or black rainstorm warning signal, Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 or above, or pre-warning thereof, programmes will be cancelled or will continue indoors. Details are as follow:
  1. Red/black rainstorm signal
  2. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above
Programme Arrangement
2 hours before gathering time  Issued  All programmes will be cancelled 
Lowered  All programmes will be resumed
After programme commences  
  • Red/black rainstorm signal or Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3. is issued: All programmes will continue indoors.  

  • When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Pre-No. 8/ No. 8 or above is issued: Programmes will be cancelled immediately. Parents should pick up participants as soon as possible. 

Special Circumstances & Weather Arrangement (Voyagers)

Programme will be cancelled under the following circumstances. Instructors will contact parents about the arrangement in such cases of adverse weather during the programme period.

  1. A red or black rainstorm warning is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory;
  2. A Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above is hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory;

Day 1: Snorkelling & Day 2: Kayak

  1. Amber / Red / Black rainstorm signal
  2. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 1 or above
Programme Arrangement
2 hours before gathering time  Issued  All programmes cancel 
Lowered  All programmes resume
After programme commences  Issued  All programmes cancel immediately 
When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Pre-No. 1/ No. 1 or above is issued 

Day 2 to Day 3: Activity at Ocean Park

  1. Red/black rainstorm signal
  2. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above
Programme Arrangement
2 hours before gathering time  Issued  All programmes cancel 
Lowered  All programmes resume
After programme commences  Issued  All programmes will continue indoors 
When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Pre-No. 8/ No. 8 or above is issued  All programmes cancel immediately. Parents should pick up participants as soon as possible.
3. The Hong Kong Education Bureau announces the suspension of schools, programmes will be arranged as follow: 
Toddlers, Mini-Rangers, Rovers & Voyagers Programme Arrangement
Classes of AM, PM or whole-day kindergartens are suspended  Toddlers & Mini-Rangers: Cancel
Rovers & Voyagers: Continue

Classes of all primary schools are suspended
Classes of all day schools are suspended


4. An announcement of suspension of face-to-face classes by the Education Bureau.

  1. When pre-warning thereof or Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 is issued before the programme time, all programmes will be cancelled. Parents should take the participants home even when they are on their way. We will arrange for staff to look after those who might have already arrived.
  2. Instructors will contact parents in such cases during the programme period.
  3. The park would make the following arrangements for the programmes that are decided to be cancelled by the Park:
    i. Cancelled programmes will not be postponed to the next programme day. Future activities will accord with the original time and date.
    ii. Detailed reschedule or refund arrangements will be arranged by email or via phone within 7 working days after the cancellation of a programme.​
    iii. A partial refund will be arranged in proportion to the affected number of days or programme content.
    iv. If the programme is cancelled, the complimentary adult admission ticket included will not be issued and cannot be rescheduled or refunded.
  4. All queries can be directed to the Ocean Park Discovery & Education Department hotline at (852) 3923-2323 (choose the language and then press [4]).