워터월드 홍콩 오션파크
오션파크로 떠나는 즐거운 여행에 필요한 모든 것

Ocean Park Giant Panda Adventure Temporarily Closed for Giant Panda Breeding Season


From now until further notice, Ocean Park’s Giant Panda Adventure will be temporarily closed to the public to facilitate a controlled environment for any mating attempts between the Park’s 13-year old resident giant pandas, Ying Ying and Le Le, as they enter this year’s breeding season.  
Since late March, female giant panda Ying Ying began spending more time playing in water while male giant panda Le Le was observed leaving scent-markings around his habitat and searching the area for Ying Ying’s scent. These behaviours are typical of giant pandas entering their oestrous cycle, which generally occur once a year between March and May. Along with changes in Ying Ying’s hormonal levels, the Park’s veterinary team confirms Ying Ying and Le Le are entering this year’s breeding season.
“This year, we are grateful to have Ling Shan Shan, Head of Scientific Research and Animal Management at the China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Panda in Wolong, Sichuan, to assist and share professional expertise on the preparation work with our animal care and veterinary team on site. We shall update the public on the latest developments of Ying Ying and Le Le as information becomes available,” says Michael Boos, Executive Director of Zoological Operations and Conservation of Ocean Park.