ウォーターワールド 香港オーシャンパーク
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Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle

Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle
Fun Facts

Fun Facts

  • Chinese stripe-necked turtles live in aquatic habitats. They have webbed feet to paddle in water.

  • These turtles feed mainly on plants, but they also eat insects, snails and fish.

Threats & Conservation

IUCN Red List: Critically Endangered
IUCN Red List: Critically Endangered
CITES: Appendix III
CITES: Appendix III

Chinese stripe-necked turtles are endangered in mainland China. Along with other freshwater turtles in Asia, they are considered as food, medicine and pets. The high demand for these turtles causes over-exploitation. Though there are turtle farms, some of them are not sustainable. This all leads them towards extinction.

Do not consume turtle products!

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