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Poison Dart Frogs

Poison Dart Frogs
Fun Facts

Fun Facts

  • Poison dart frogs secrete a poison through their skin as defence. By showing bright colours and being active during the day, they advertise their toxicity and warn potential predators. The golden poison dart frog (Phyllobates terribilis) is one of the most deadly and their poison can kill 10 human adults.
  • Depending on the species, the father or mother carries the hatched tadpoles on their back and deposit them into small pools of water. In some species, the mother feeds them with unfertilised eggs.

Threats & Conservation

IUCN Red List: 28 species are Critically Endangered, 39 are Endangered, 29 are Vulnerable, 7 are Near Threatened, 59 are Least Concern and 36 are Data Deficient.
IUCN Red List: 28 species are Critically Endangered, 39 are Endangered, 29 are Vulnerable, 7 are Near Threatened, 59 are Least Concern and 36 are Data Deficient.
CITES: About 96 species are listed in Appendix II
CITES: About 96 species are listed in Appendix II

Poison dart frogs are threatened by habitat loss or degradation resulting from agricultural development, cattle ranching, logging, pollution and human settlement. Climate change and pet trade pose even more danger to them. Some species have declined dramatically by 80% in 10 years.

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