Water World
Water World Ocean Park Hong Kong
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Giant Panda

Giant Panda
Fun Facts

Fun Facts

  • Tiny newborn giant pandas weigh about 100 g. When they grow up, they can weigh up to about 100 kg, or 1,000 times heavier than when they were born.

  • Giant pandas need 4,300 to 5,500 kilocalories of food per day to survive, the equivalent of 20 bowls of rice or 20 hamburgers for humans.

Threats & Conservation

IUCN Red List: Vulnerable
IUCN Red List: Vulnerable
CITES: Appendix I
CITES: Appendix I
Chinese Wildlife Conservation Law: Category 1

Fewer than 1,900 giant pandas remain in the wild. As the habitats of giant pandas are highly fragmented by human activities, many have no way to move to new areas to find food or to mate with other groups. Their short mating periods further complicates their survival, making their immediate conservation particularly vital.

Wisely use resources from forests; choose products with Forest Stewardship Council® (FSCTM) certification.

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อะเมซิ่ง เอเชี่ยน อะนิมอล I วอเตอร์ฟร้อนท์
อะเมซิ่ง เอเชี่ยน อะนิมอล I วอเตอร์ฟร้อนท์