Water World
Water World Ocean Park Hong Kong
Join our hands to conserve nature!


Fun Facts

Fun Facts

  • The tongue of kinkajous can grow over 12 cm long, which is useful for feeding on nectar and insects.

  • Kinkajous can hang upside down from tree branches with their highly prehensile tail and support themselves on their hind legs. This allows them to reach their food in trees.

Threats & Conservation

IUCN Red List: Least Concern
IUCN Red List: Least Concern
CITES: Appendix III
CITES: Appendix III

Human disturbance and habitat destruction are driving kinkajous away from home. Deforestation has shrunk their range and reduced their population. Kinkajous are also captured for the pet trade as well as hunted for their meat and pelt. Kinkajous feed on fruit and nectar, and hence play an important role in the forest ecosystem as pollinators and seed dispersers. If they decline, plants may be affected, which in turn threaten kinkajous.

Avoid buying products made with kinkajou leather or fur!